Tuesday, July 17, 2012

7-18-12 "Fast and Furious"

WOD 1- Fastest 500 m row
WOD 2- Fastest 50 WB's 14/20
WOD 3- 50 KB (26)
WOD 4: sled pull 100 yds 25/45lb

2 min time cap for each WOD

2 min rest between wods

Bussom showing off the Apex Hand Sign at Regionals


Josh Wagner said...

Just putting another post out there to any helpers that can swing over after the 6pm class to my house. Around 730pm at my house I will need some hands and bodies to lift a play house and move it from my neighbors. Please post, email or texr if u can help. Thanks.

Bekah Bus said...

OBX wod III "David Hasselhoff"
4 Rds
Pier Handstand pushups (10/3)
150 m soft sand sprint
25 air squats
150 m soft sand sprint
Keith: 8:37
Bek 8:41
Again, gotta love the looks we got!!

Josh Wagner said...

I love that you guys are using the elements...Josh and I are going to write these wods down and do them when we go to the beach in August. I love it! Keep up the great work while on vacation!

Tanya :)