Thursday, July 19, 2012

7-20-12 "Never Ending Story II"

35 Min AMRAP of
1 MU/ Scale: 3C2B pullups 3 Dips
3 F.Sqt 185/135 * No Rack
3 push jerks 185/135
7 burpees
200 Meter run

Thank you so much to everyone who came out Wednesday night to help move the playhouse. That sucker was heavy! We can't tell you how thankful we are to have such strong athletes and helpful friends at Apex. We really appreciate it, especially AJ :)


Dave "BDD" said...

Hey wait a minute! You had two people on each lifting bar on your side of the playhouse? LOL!

Josh Wagner said...

That workout is LOTS of fun!:) 12rds +1/3/3/7/125m 185lb bar