Sunday, October 14, 2012

10/15/12- Swagger

10 min to find Max Hang Power Snatch

Hang Power Snatch - 60% of max

*9 min cap

A new snatch PR- 230#
What cues would you give me?(be nice!)


Dan J said...

Great pull! You could have easily caught that in a power snatch position!

By the way - Hi guys! My name is Dan J I've been hiding under a rock for quite some time now but I think its finally time for me to see the sun light. Hope to see everyone soon!

Bussom36 said...

Thanks Dan, my 6 month goal is 250#

Congrats to Jane T. and Kate C for attending her Level 1 @ KOP...check the mainsite picture

Congrats to Mike E. and Mitch for competing in the Reading Triathlon this past weekend.

Julia said...

Jane and Kate! That is fantastic news. Congratulations!

Teresa said...

Bus, that was awesome. I'll give you the same cue you guys give me a lot - right knee out!

Josh Wagner said...

Bus stellar work Brotha. If only most people could even understand how much 230lb flying from the floor to an overhead position really is:)

Bussom36 said...

Thanks Gang!

Julia Spencer said...

My only que would be not to hang out at the bottom for so long... Great work! ;)

Brian O said...

Great Job Bus.... I would just suggest a new victory celebration.... the "whoo hoo" is over used... Great work!