20 min AMRAP of:
200M Run
200M Run
21 Situps
15 SDLHP(95/65)
9 Pushups
* Don't forget about tomorrow's festivities.......Halloween WOD(costumes encouraged), Paleo Cook off and Roman banquet....Group wod at 8am, festivities start following group wod
Dont forget to dress up in your Halloween costume if you'd like
Anyone that can supply a table for Saturday we would greatly appreciate it. Please bring in your table the next time you are in. The more the better. Thanks.
Anyone that can supply a table for Saturday we would greatly appreciate it. Please bring in your table the next time you are in. The more the better. Thanks.
I know I should never under estimate a crossfit workout, but I think something is missing. Are there Rounds? is it an AMRAP? or just thru 1 time? I also know I should never ask a question if I unless I really want the answer...
oops your right its an amrap 20min. Thanks for catching this Molly. See you tonight.
"Why woman can't do pullups"? by Tara Parker-Pope, The New York Times Magazine.
Ladies of Apex, thoughts?
Be sure to logon to the mainsite today and watch the short clips below the wod
".. the fact is that many fit people, particularly women, can’t do even one."
What is up with these BS news articles lately!? It's a good thing the crossfit community is proving them wrong; Miranda hitting 12 strict pull-ups and that other video... "It's just the stupidest thing I've ever heard!!"
This response article references Crossfit women specifically :)
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