Monday, November 12, 2012

11-13-12 She Devil

For Time
50 KBS 53/35#
40 Broad Jumps- 4/6'
30 T2B
20 HSPU- Scale Up to 45# plates
10 Burpees

Time Cap- 10 min

Games Class:
1. Snatch - work up to 1 RM max

2. Clean & Jerk - work up to 1 RM max

3. Skill work - 10 min 
Choose Snatch or Clean & Jerk - 70% of max complete 1 rep every 30 sec


Bussom36 said...

Oly Prep:
Take some time to watch these clips
(The first lifter is K.Farris, watch his knees & chest on the pull then pause at 11 secs...look at how he finishes with shoulders back!)
(excellent slow-mo snatch)
(Pause this one at 26-27 second, this guys is throwing everything he has into pulling 235#'s, but still maitains his chest up, knees out and finishes with shoulders back)

Bussom36 said...

Great work 5ers! Thanks for lettin me wod w ya!

Zach.Brong said...

I was told we were supposed to post our weights that we did so here goes.

Snatch: 145 lb
Clean and Jerk: 175 lb

Shanna said...

Snatch a latch 90
C & J 125

Unknown said...

1. 145#
2. 185#
3. 100# snatch

Unknown said...

snatch 215
c/j 275