12 min Ladder
Du's- add 5 each time
Front Squats 65/45#
*Post score to comments
Games Class:
1. Power Clean-1RM
2. OTM x 20
Odd: 3 Power Snatch
Even: 6 Front Squats - from the ground, no racks
Set up two bars. Weights do not need to be across.
3. "Jake the Snake"
Muscle ups
Squat Clean Thruster, 135/95
8 rounds + 45/9/3 Rx
Dips made DU tough! I started to lose the tension in my arms slowing down my rope forcing me to jump higher then needed. Terribly inefficient but it got the job done...
9 Rounds + 50/5 Rx
I need to get better at stringing doubles together when fatigued!
Games Class
1. 190 pwr clean. Need to work on getting under the weight...it's all in my head.
2. 95# pwr snatch/115# FS. Felt pretty good today stringing the snatch.
3. 11:16 - (5-5-5) MU, 95# sqt clean thruster. Need to work more hips on MU
1. 155# squat clean (PR!)
2. 75# power snatch (should have gone heavier) 105# front squat
3. 9:12- 80# thruster and jumping muscle ups
Erica you rested yesterday then come back and hit a pr. Maybe trainer tanya knows what she is talking about.
1. 215# Squat Clean PR
2. 95# Power Snatch/135# Front Squat
3. 11:41 95# squat clean thruster and 3-2-1 on MU
Congrats Erica on the PR! Great work on the games class today, it was tough! Ate crappy yesterday and definitely felt it today. :/
1. 130
2. 60 power snatch, 80 Front Squat. That was awful..
3. 11:38 with 65# and did MU's 3-3-2
Haha I knew someone was going to comment on that! I guess I'll be listening to her more often...
10 rounds plus 11 DUs. 45#, Normal dips, increased by 1 legitimate DU per round.
1. 5x max reps of MU's- 8/4/3/4/3 =22
2. 12 min - odd 3 pwr cleans, even 40 DU's
225/40, 245/40, 265/40, 275x2/40, 275/30, 275/40
3. 3x25 GHD
4. row for 10 min with monitor flipped up and no feet straps- 2492 m
If you have some time.....be sure to watch.....crossfit is more than just a workout
125# - Got this with a sloppy power clean. Gotta work on getting under the weight to get that number up.
65# power snatch, 95# front squat - This felt good. I like the OTM work.
11:05 75# sqt clean thruster, band mu
11 rounds, with dlb attempts increasing 1 each time, and box dips.
Jessica! I just downloaded THRILLER, looking foward to you cutting some zombie rug at Wod-n-Wings!
9 rds 50/10/3 RX Probably should have scaled the dips, took way too much time.
Congrats on the PR Erica!
Who the hell else told you to take arrest day...
Games Class
1 285 squat clean
2 155 power snatch/175 front squat
3 9:45
I also told her!
Pete N. & Erock -http://www.mobilitywod.com Please watch video on knee pain....I would like to try this on both of you
10 rds + 6DUa's
subbed DUa's (Double under attempts)+1 each round
Box dip (bent knees)
65# FS
Yeah, yeah...whatever Dr. Clayton
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