Strength FOCUS
"Light 60%, Moderate 70-80%, Heavy 80-95% Max 85-105%
Snatch Skill and Snatch
Day 1.
a. Overhead Squats
work up to a 10RM
b.. Snatch
2x1 Snatch, moderate 70-80%
Clean and Jerk Skill and Clean and Jerk
Day 2.
a. Clean & Jerk and Back Squat
15 minutes to work up to a 1RM
b. Back Squat
5x1, across - as heavy as possible
Day 3.
a. Snatch
2x1 Heavy
1x2 Heavy
b. Front Squat
1x1 Heavy
2x1 Moderate
Skill / Gymnasty FOCUS
Day 1. HSPU, HSW, PP
Pick one of the following (A, B, or C), base on greatest weakness...
A. Handstand Push ups
OTM x 20
Odd: 5 HSPU - rings, elevated, kipping or strict
Even: 200m Run or 200m Row
B. Handstand Walking
OTM x 20
Odd: 10M Handstand Walk
Even: 200m Run or 200m Row
C. Overhead Strength
OTM x 20
Odd: 6 Push Press
Even: 200m Run or 200m Row
Day 2. Pick one of the following (A, B or C), base on greatest weakness...
A. C2B Pull ups
OTM x 20
Odd: 6 Squat Cleans, 135/95 or max rep Pistols
Even: 8 C2B
B. Muscle ups
OTM x 20
Odd: 6 Squat Cleans, 135/95 or max rep Pistols
Even: 3-4 Muscle ups
C. Upper body Pulling Strength
OTM x 20
Odd: 6 Squat Cleans, 135/95 or max rep Pistols
Even: 3 Weighted Strict Pull ups or 8 KBS, 88/70
Day 3. Pick two of the following, base on greatest weakness...
A. Box Jumps
For time: 10 x 12 unbroken Reps - you choose the height.
B. Double Unders
For time: 10 x 20 unbroken reps
C. Rowing
For time: 3 x 500m, OT3M
D. Running
For time: 4 x 400m, OT3M
E. Strength
Deadlift 3-10-10
Overhead Endurance, OHS, RING DIP, Rope Climb, LSit, TTB
Day 4. Pick TWO of the following, based on greatest weakness...
A. Overhead Strength Endurance
5 RFT: 15 unbroken Push Press, 105/75
B. Overhead Squats
5 x 10 reps, moderate - not for time.
C. Ring Dips
60 reps for time
D. Rope Climbs
10 x 15' Rope Climbs for time
E. L-Sits
10 RFT: 10 seconds of L-sit hold
F: Toes To Bar
10 RFT: x 6 unbroken reps"
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