Saturday, November 26, 2016

11/27/16 Open Gym

GYMNASTY 1. Handstand Exercises Choose from the 15 Exercises * Packet at Apex 2 Pull up Bar Work Exercises Choose from the 10 Exercises *Packet at Apex 3. Ring Work Choose from the 8 exercises *Packet at Apex 4. Parallete Work Choose from 17 Exercises *Packet at Apex Supplement with Day 1, 2, 3 or 4 Core Work 3 rounds Alternating V ups (15 each leg) Side Plank reach throughs (15 each side) Superman Arch Hold (1 long second) 30seconds 3 rounds Hollow rock 30 reps Russian twists *may add medball 25 touches each side"
STRENGTH 1. Work up to a max set of 1-5 reps completing a Back or Front Squat squat 3 sets of 6-12 reps (Step ups on a box, Reverse Lunges, Backward Sled pull) 2. Work up to a max set of 1-5 reps completeing a deadlift (sumo, conventional) 3 sets of 8-12 reps (Romainian Deadlift, Good Morning, Forward Sled Drag) 3. Work up to a max set of 1-5 reps on the Overhead Press (dumbbells, barbell or Axel bar) 2 sets reaching failure at 15-20 reps. 3 minute rest between sets. (Floor press, push up variations, tricep variations*dips, skull crushers, band press downs) 4. Clean and Jerk and Snatch Establish new 1 RM *If Time combine with Day 1, 2, 3 or 4 3 to 4 sets of 8-15 reps of a shrug Variation (Snatch Grip Shrug, Shrugs off Blocks, Dumbell Shrugs"

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