Friday, April 29, 2011

4-30-11 "Open Wod 11.6"

Final OPEN Wod

7 min Ladder
Complete as much work as possible
Thrusters 100/65
c2b pull ups
*start at reps of 3,3, then increase by 3's each rd
Example 3,3,6,6,9,9,12,12,15,15,18,18 etc.

*Reminder that next Saturday we will begin team workouts and We will be having a party for all Apex athletes. Please come join in the fun. The party will start following Yoga class. Get your Zen on then get your party on!

Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this picture?


Zach Miller said...

Zach and Jodie tough muddder video

Check Out this Video

Zach Miller said...

WOD today at home:
1 mile run
20 du's
20 air squats
20 situps
1 mile run 28:49

Erik said...

Nice work today by all!!! Keith did you better your score? What was the name/artist of the song when you started your workout (WOD 11.6) today?

Bussom36 said...

Erik, I tied my score, can you believe it, 106 again! I felt a lot strong this time around, but ended up with the same results.
Not sure of the artist? The song was called "Work", it was from Kutty's ipod.

What a long stange 6 weeks it's been! Great job to all who stuck it out!
I hope all can join in the festivities next weeknd!

Cathleen said...

Everyone has done such a great job these last 6 weeks! I can't wait to see the WOD you guys come up with to decide the 3rd team spot..I am sure its going to be so much fun to do...

Crush head is totally fine :)

Michael said...

Zack and Jodi it looked like you guys had tons of fun at the Mudder!! Cool video.
