Tuesday, May 10, 2011


20 min AMRAP

5 chest to bar pull up bars
10 wall balls (20/14)
15 kettlebell swings (53/35)

Zimnock vs. Kolby


Dan J said...

hahahahha I'm SO angry I missed that whole day. That was a great match along with a great set up - having a bootleg wrestling match, Josh as the wrestling coach, and Bus as the commentator. Overall just epic.

Dan J said...

oh and I definitely want to make one of these:


Maybe we can get some for the box? DIY arts and crafts day at apex in the near future??

Josh Wagner said...

Did this one in the PM at my house. 11rds. Man my glutes are sore! Such a good feeling. Dan I love the sand bags I would love to do an arts and crafts at the box. We supply the materials you guys help put them together. Cool!