Monday, May 9, 2011


3 rounds for time of:

400m run
30 OHS 75/45
21 pull ups

Some pics from Saturday!


Josh Wagner said...

Who the #$% is that *&^#@SS in the back ground on the first picture? Ha

Josh Wagner said...

Tuohey gets my vote for best dressed!

-Tanya :)

Molly said...

Check the results of the Viking. I think Crush is 5th for the ladies.

Dan J said...

Josh this is the movement I was talking about. We need to work on this it looks bad@$$.

Michael said...

lol I missed Bus in the first pic until you said something.


Joe 2E said...

Thanks Tanya! It's hit or miss with my red shoes but I'm always trying to be ready for a photo opportunity.

Bus, that is one of the best photo bombs i've ever seen.

Joe Tuohey

Julia Spencer said...

My grip is still toast after today's WOD. Walking the dog needed to be done with the other hand this evening.