Sunday, May 15, 2011

5-16-11 "Circus Freaks 2"

30 minute time cap

Reps of 10-1 of:
Ring dips
GI janes
2" single jump rope swings
4' handstand walk / mod. 4s hand stand hold
1 arm kettlebell swing
virtual shoveling 45#/25# over a 20" box


Josh Wagner said...

ok AM girls...we did "double shovel" The PM crew counted singles for shovel.

SharonLS said...

I guess we should get a "do-over"!!!

Josh Wagner said...

haha! just finished in my garage 24:10! Sweaty one:)

Dan J said...

i just found a sick bruise on my shoulder from this one haha great workout! surprisingly, even with the amount of times i fell hard doing handstand walks i felt a lot better wit them towards the end.