Sunday, May 22, 2011


For time:

1600m run
21 thrusters
800m run
15 thrusters
400m run
9 thrusters
200m run

last completed 10/08/09


Dave "BDD" said...


Zimnock said...

yeaaa buddy

Moose said...

dont think this gets you out of the Zimnock Quarry Road Invitational!

Dan J said...

If only I could run.... =(

Dave "BDD" said...

Monday, May 30th, regular schedule?, or Holiday schedule?

Josh Wagner said...

Holiday Schedule. one 9am class only monday May 30th!

This is a GREAT wod! We had a fantastic AM crew who worked their butts off today! Good stuff!


PS- Dan, you need to run this backwards! I dare you!!!