Wednesday, May 25, 2011

5-26-11 "2011 Regional Wod 4"

For time:

100 pull ups
100 kbs
100 double unders
100 ohs 95/65

* you may not move to the next exercise until you have completed all 100 reps of the previous exercise.

What the H#$% happen to your head?


Michael said...

Zimnock, is that mark from getting the vests on and off? My arms are all marked up like that from those things.


Jarrett said...

i'm gonna try my best to be in tomorrow night, hope to see everyone there!

Erik said...

Did you get noogied for not putting your vest away?

Dan J said...

Zim, you look like the kid from that cartoon show avatar (no relation to avatar the movie)

Maybe we can make a wod thats just 100 hspu and call it "the last airbender" because of this crazy mark you get haha

Crossfitanchorage said...

Great Video Clip on the Seal who plugged Bin Laden. Check it out. I've actually been to this bar!

Zimnock said...

it was from all of the handstand pushups we had to do in saturday's wod