Thursday, May 5, 2011

5-6-11 Fight Gone Bad


3 rds:
1 min of each exercise get as many reps as possible:

wallballs 20/14 10'
push press 75/55
box jumps 20"
sumo deadlift highpull 75/55
rower (calories)

Apex Best WOD

...this is AJ's reaction to the WOD, what's yours?


Erik said...

My reaction is probably similar to AJ's when he is hungry or has a full diaper......I am crying like a little baby.

Dave "BDD" said...

What a face!

Bussom36 said...

Keep this in the back of your mind!

***The Delaware Affiliate Challenge***

Date: Sat. May 21st 2011 sign in and rules at 8-830am first heat at 9:00am

Where: CrossFit 1st State Middletown Delaware

What: A fitness challenge to find the fittest CrossFit Box in the

State Teams will be made up of 2, one guy and one girl. All teams

will complete 2 wods. The top 2 teams from each Box will compete

in the final wod to determine fittest CrossFit Box and take home the


Cost: Itwill be $30 dollars per person and you will receive a T-shirt

a paleo kit, and water. If you do not want that the cost is only $10.

All proceeds will go to the “Ed Dean Memorial Scholarship Fund”

This is a scholarship that is given out yearly to a Bethany Beach Patrol

Lifeguard. It is also a tax write off so make checks payable to

“Ed Dean Memorial Scholarship Fund”

Post W.O.D: As with all CrossFit comps there will be post wod

hang out and drinks that will be available.

Please sign up with shirt size by May 9th you can pay on the day

of the comp at sign in. All movements will be scaleable and movement

standards will be released prior to the comp via video

WOD 1 Standards Video-

WOD 2 Standards Video-

Chas said...

HS! He's practically a grown man already! He's beautiful J & T.