Thursday, June 30, 2011


Happy July "The month for the CROSSFIT GAMES"

Overhead squat
Front squat
Back squat

*Each lift you will continue to add weight starting at OHS and ending with back squat. Weight increments are entirely up to each individual.
For example Keith Bussom's score may look like this:
OHS 235,245,255,265,285 then FS 290,295,305,315,320 then BS 325,345,365,385,405

Ever wonder how to hold a plate while running.
Colleen got to try many different ways while on her 400m trot in yesterdays WOD.


Bussom36 said...

405? That's all I got? Ha....someday! It may be the sameday my abs decided to show their heads and join the party!
Is that Stefan B running with a plate? If so, welcome back brother!

Michael said...

lol I love all of the different plate holding techniques Colleen!

BTW here is the 'Sugar: The Bitter Truth' presentation I talked about today. Long, but worth it. You won't want to eat any more sugar after watching this.

Josh Wagner said...

That is Dan J!

Dan J said...

Eustice - I haven't seen that one yet but I'll check that out! The guy I was talking about is Gary Taubes but an interesting a fun movie to watch about a similar topic is this, its called Fathead:

Its broken down to two parts: The first part being a rebuttal to Super Size Me, the second going into more science and history of sugar. Tom's a comedy so he makes it fun to watch

Dan J said...

Also, great job everyone! Yesterdays wod was a killer! mentally challenging

Dan J said...

PR for me today - 3 posts in a row!

Josh, have you done the hero wod jason (air sq and MU)? I just did it today at ~22min (used my cell for time) and wanted to see if that was decent.

Josh Wagner said...

I have not ever done that wod. What is it? I did yesterdays wod 9:59. Still got a little lung burn.

Awesome job today everyone. I love to see everyone come out for the heavy lifting. We also saw alot of huge PR's and first time max's set.

Come on out tomorrow for another really fun WOD!