Monday, July 11, 2011

7-12-11 "Circus Freaks"

Redo from 2-26-11

Reps of 10-1 for time of:

forward rolls
1 arm OH kb squat 35/26
1 leg box jump 20"16"
broad jump 6'/4'
skin the cat

*30 min time cap

Highlights from last Circus Freaks

Circus Freaks WOD from CrossFit Apex on Vimeo.


SharonLS said...

DAMN!!! I am missing this!!!! UGH!! ;-)

Zimnock said...

i think the freeze frame of my face says it all...haha

Dan J said...

I missed this wod last time it came around so I'm pumped I get a second chance.

oh and New Balance's crossfit type cross training shoe out. For $80 it doesnt look too bad, check it out:

Cathleen said...

Guess who is back!!! What a great WOD to come back to...Can't wait to see you all tonight :)


Dan J said...

Also has anyone seen this?!?! RAW training is unreal, so much $$$.

Crossfit cribs:

ashley said...

oh man! RAW has so many mirrors! ;)

good luck everyone with the WOD. It was tons of fun at 6:30am :)

Josh Wagner said...

RAW is the Cribs of CrossFit boxes. That is unreal the size of their gym.

Good luck with this wod everyone. I'll see you all tonight. Unfortunately I have to take on yesterdays wod.

Shanna said...

Welcome back LT. CRUSH!!!!!

Zimnock said...

mirrors in the gym? dont let moose find out hahaha

Dan J said...

Good luck Josh, one piece of advice - don't get frustrated/angry. I think we all saw how well that worked for me haha

Welcome back Crush!

SharonLS said...

I had to do this on my own! 24:55
subbed 2 foot box jump and did skin the cats on the smith machine bar (I guess it's good for something!! lol)