Monday, July 18, 2011

7-19-11 "400's from hell"

For time:
400m sled pull 45/25
400m barbell carry 95/65
400m farmer carry 30+/25-
400m plate carry 45/25
400m run

Consequences at APEX. BOYS Lose, GIRLS Win!


Michael said...

This is all kinds of embarrassing.


Bussom36 said...

You gots to love consequences!
Kudos to the men for holding up their end of the bargin!
bek and I did:
5rds 300m run and 50 AS
I pushed luke for the runs and bek did 25 AS ea rd
post wod recovery: lounging by the pool

Dan J said... is up! Cool stuff but pretty pricey.

Awesome work Buss I like the incorporation of the stroller into the wod.

Teresa said...

Thanks for the word on the CF store, Dan. I thoroughly enjoyed shopping through all the male athletes.


Julia said...

Hey I lost my Rx sunglasses today at the box. If anyone finds black sunglasses my head size please save them for me. They are one of my two luxuries.

thanks, menzo

Kacie said...

Josh- please tell me your inspiration for this was NOT that movie you told us about?!?

Bus- you and bek should have a plank-off! Throw a kid on each of your backs and see how long you can hold it!