Monday, July 25, 2011


Reminder no 6:30 am class tomorrow

For time:
Reps of 10-1 of wall balls 20/14 to 10' target
bear crawl width of gym touching each wall


Bussom36 said...

Change is on the horizan:

Josh Wagner said...

4:34 come and get it. 25lb wall ball

Dan J said...

Replace the 25# WB with a tennis ball then I GOT YOU!

Cathleen said...

I decided to stay home and rest my arm. It has been numb off and on all day. I didn't think doing wall balls would be a good idea, even tho they are my FAV!!! :(

Just didn't want Josh to think I was skipping out on wall balls...I will make that part of this WOD up in my trash.


Josh Wagner said...

Rest up that arm Cathleen and hope its better soon. Keep a close eye on it and try to keep icing and stretching. Also roll the areas around the shoulder such as the pec region and around the scapula and trapezius.

Cathleen said...

Yes sir. I have been and will continue to do that. Thank you for your help.
