Saturday, July 9, 2011


2 for 1 Explode Weekend
WOD 1- Catching Fly's
Power Cleans - 95/65#

7 min Break

WOD 2- Lullaby
400 M Run
6 Wall Climbs


Josh Wagner said...

Wod looks great wish I was there to join you guys. Mtns r nice today. Just finished up a wod 10 rds time individually 2 minrest between rds. 10 ring push ups iand 10 thruster 45#dbs, I was about 30sec a rd approx.

Yesterday tanya and I did a 4 mile run. That was fun. Felt real good to run that far its been a while.

Josh Wagner said...

Wod looks great wish I was there to join you guys. Mtns r nice today. Just finished up a wod 10 rds time individually 2 minrest between rds. 10 ring push ups iand 10 thruster 45#dbs, I was about 30sec a rd approx.

Yesterday tanya and I did a 4 mile run. That was fun. Felt real good to run that far its been a while.

Dave "BDD" said...

Is there a board picture after the 7/6/11 WOD?