Saturday, September 24, 2011

9-24-11 "Santiago"

7 rounds for time of:

18 db squat cleans 35lbs
18 pull ups
10 power cleans 135lbs
10 hspu


Bussom36 said...
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Bussom36 said...

RIP Santiago! Thank You for our Freedom.

This was one the hardest WOD's, worst than Badger!
Congrats to all who braved this one!

44:07 Rx'd w 35#kbs

Josh Wagner said...

Wow I am feeling the after effects today as I am sure everyone who participated in this WOD is too. What can I do today to help the soreness go away? Just rolled on lax balls for 45 min up the back to help the shoulders which are extremely tight. See everyone tomorrow.