Saturday, October 29, 2011


Look at that Snow on Oct. 29th
(ready for the unknown)
4 rounds of:
250m row
approx. 2 min rest

Taking your time of each 250m row you will complete your next workout in a chipper form.
For time:
(1st row time)Pull ups
(2nd row time)OH plate lunges 45/25
(3rd row time)Double unders
(4th row time)DB push press (your choice)


ThunderRuss said...

This will be my first time on the road for work since doing crossfit. My hotel is a good 45 minutes from the closest crossfit facility. Does anyone have suggestions for some mobile wods? Any ideas would be appreciated.

Josh Wagner said...

Hey Russ,
We have a link on the right side of the website right here on our WODS page, scroll down and click on the "wods for home or on the road" under the WOD shop link.

Good luck on the road with your wods and your alcohol/sugar freeness!

-Tanya :)

Dan J said...

Check out if the hotel has a gym there. If not or they have the usual treadmills and elipticals then I started taking my WODs outdoors finding playgrounds, trees, walls, anything to climb on. My next trip I'm looking into incorporating my rental cars spare tire as a weight for OH lifts. Good luck!

Erik said...

Push ups, sit ups, air squats and running are all good things to do on the road. I often run 2 miles then do tabata push ups and sit ups after the run.

Zimnock said...

i say keep it simple. sprint all the stairwells

ThunderRuss said...

Thanks for the feedback.