Thursday, October 27, 2011

10-28-11 "flip ups"

4 rounds for time:

6' handstand walk (sub 12' bear crawl)
10 lay down/ stand ups- no arms (scale up- 5Lay down to a pistol ea leg)
15 T2B
3 wall climbs


Jessica said...

Dwayne Wayne?! This just made my night.

Erik said...

Josh, can you bring the camera tonight please. I might not be there at 5 but will get there in time to warm up and do "Lipson" at the end of the 5 o'clock class. Thanks.

Moose said...

Good Luck with Lipson E-Rock! Just GO! Keep that weight moving pal!!

Dan J said...

This WOD sounds awesome. I'm really getting into bear crawls for some reason.

Page said...

German Chocolate Cake is currently being served at my work...I opted for the raw veggie platter

:/ tough friday! haha

Julia Spencer said...

page... I totally understand. I had a fondue dessert last night at dinner, that I had to just stare at while everyone else enjoyed.

Go you for being strong though and passing it up!!!!

LaRynn Blair said...

Already had to do 50 G.I. Janes as a consequence.. But good news! I watched my videos and I counted right all my reps were legit..I did overcount by 1 on the TTB but I counted the 50 G.I.'s right :)

Tanya said...

Good for you that must have been rough! Good girl!

Julia, I think you need to make a healthy fondue, we could dip strawberries in coconut water! Ok maybe you can think of something more yummy! Until then I will continue to devour that awesome blueberry dessert you posted mmmm mmmm MMMM!

And LaRynn, good for you on counting :) And good luck for the rest of your weekend with food! Go get those trail mixes (chocolate free) and nibble away! YOU CAN DO IT!