Wednesday, November 16, 2011

11-17-11 "Wonder Woman"

20 Min Amrap

50 DU’s
7 OHS 135/85
5 C2B-T2B (that's right a chest to bar pull up into a toes to bar) (sub pull-up to kte or rings jumping pull up to toes through rings)


Dan J said...

Can't wait to add more burpees to my superheros consequence count! I don't know ANYTHING about wonder woman haha

Bussom36 said...

Except that she's hot!

Dan J said...

True, great choice of picture!

Bussom36 said...

Trivia Time:
1. In the Tv Series: Which actor played Wonder Woman? (correct spelling, please)

2.What were Wonder Woman's bracelets mainly used for?

3. What was Wonder Woman's mode of transportation?

4. What is Wonder Woman's real name and what's her occupation?

5. What is the name of the island Wonder Woman is from?
A. Island of Sodar
B. Fantasy Island
C. Paradise Island
D. Magic Island

6. Which of Wonder Woman's accessories was forged from the magic girdle of Aphrodite?
A. Bracelets
B. Magic Lasso
C. Invisible Plane
D. Magical Tiara

7. Who was the first costumed villain Wonder Woman ever faced?
A. Cheetah
B. Dr. Poison
C. Dr. Psycho
D. Giganta

8. What was the first superhero team Wonder Woman joined?
A. All Star Squadron
B. Justice Society of America
C. Justice League of America
D. Avengers

9. Which of Wonder Woman's accessories allows her to breathe in outer space?
A. Her tiara
B. Her bracelets
C. Her magic lasso
D. Her earrings

10. Who would win in a Battle Royal Cage Match?
A. Wonder Woman
B. Tanya Wagner
C. Cathleen Rush
D. Kacie Heilman
E. Teresa Davenport
G. Molly Collins
H. Elyse Madison
I. Angie Nice
J. Mark Mazurek
K. Katy Nicolas
L. Larynn Blair
M. Sharon Saks
N. Laren Peterson
O. Jessica Reid
P. Any other female I forgot from Apex(sorry if i forgot you!)

Erik said...

Mark Mazurek....good one...hahaha.

Bekah Bus said...

I guess i wouldn't stand a chance?!?!?

Dan J said...

1. ?
2. Defense (deflecting hits)
3. Invisible jet
4. ?
5. A
6. B
7. C
8. C
9. A
10. No good can come out of answering this question so I'm going to take the 10 extra burpees

haha ouch bus! leaving her out to dry.

Bussom36 said...

The question did not read
"Who would win HANDS DOWN/NO QUESTIONS ASKED in a Battle Royal Cage Match?"
Duh, Bekah- BTW welcome to the blog! Now all you need is a pic

Boy Wonder = 4/10- 40%

Josh Wagner said...

Good cover there hubby. Bekah I wouldn't mess with you!

Moose said...

hah! Boy Wonder! Love it man, great nickname for Dan J!

See you guys tonight man Im pumped up for this!! Rus, if youre listening, Lets Crush some Skulls tonight!! :)

Bussom36 said...

1. Lynda Carter
2. Deflecting - bullets and whatnot
3. Invisible Plane
4. Diana - She was a Princess, her mom was the Queen of the Island.
5. C- Paradise Island
6. B- Magic Lasso
7. B - Dr. Poison
8. B- Justice Society of Am
9. D- Earings
10. Mark Mazurek -he's part robot, he would wrap them up with his Elastic Achilles and crush them with his Iron Hips.

LaRynn Blair said...

LOOK AT THIS! "Hard core" fitness trainer from Biggest Loser Jillian Michaels can't even handle a simple WOD!
This makes me crack up...she complains on the first sets of basically every movement..she uses 55lbs for SDHP/push press, 12lb med ball, and 20inch box jump

Josh Wagner said...

haha That was absolutely pathetic. I love the involvement of the hips on the SDHP or should i say the lack there of. Come on Jillian you think your fit, lets see you try out for the CrossFit games! CROSSFIT GETTING RECOGNIZED!

SharonLS said...

Wow, holy new perspective on Jillian!!

Cathleen said...

ha i loved reading this tonight! Keith your triva is awesome.


Dan J said...

haha! that just shows you that all you need in the tv industry is a pretty face. You would think someone that is supposed to be a personal trainer would be in some kind of shape. The other guy next to her seemed fine, good for him!

Julia said...

Julia vs Jillian. I could totally take her. Wow. bad hips