Monday, November 7, 2011

11-8-11 "Popcorn"

For Time:

40 wallball shots 20/14 10'
40 pull up
20 wallball
20 pull up

*At the top of the minutes complete 10 lateral jumps (hurdles/lines)

12 min time cap

Not a fan of "top of the minute" wods or just thinks the pumpkin costume ruins his tough guy decide.


Dave "BDD" said...

I agree with the former.

SharonLS said...

he's crying for us! "don't make them do THAT one!!"

Julia Spencer said...

Mom said I couldn't coach!!! I wanna be a coach!!!!

Bussom36 said...

Daddy, is wearing my favorite shirt again!I told him to stop wearing my T's to wour out in and to school! He pit stains them and stretches the neck out!

Mommy, go lay the hammer to him in the next WOD

Josh Wagner said...

Haha very funny.

Molly said...

Adorable picture!!
I walked into to work this morning to discover a 4pm-8pm meeting with my customer on my calender. So I decided to make a lunch date with Nancy when I ran home to let the dogs out. It's been way to long since I last met her (the track at the middle school?). As with many things this time of year, I over indulged - 75#, 500m (I wanted to add the little hill). Straight set all 5 rounds. What a great way to spend lunch on a beautiful fall day

Michael said...

What are you doing to poor li'l A.J.!?!?

Bussom36 said...

did you look in your crystal ball? Or is that just a little foreshadowing?
Great work on Nancy