Friday, December 23, 2011

12-24-11 "12 Days of Christmas" (Apex style)

Merry Christmas!
1 Burpee
2 Push Press#95
3 Front Squat
4 Hang Power Cleans
5 Deadlifts
6 Box Jumps
7 Pull Ups,
8 Push Ups
9 Sit Ups
10 Air Squats,
11 KB Swings,
(12) 500m Row

You know the drill....just like the song :)


Zimnock said...

goodie goodiee :)

Bussom36 said...

Red T's will be in tomorrow!

Bussom36 said...

holiday trivia?
1. which beverage company made concept of santa popular?
2. what christmas decoration did Robert E. Morris invent?
3. who woke up while the grinch was stealing christmas?
4. three traditional colors of Kwanza?
5. what christmas plant has white berries?
6. how many pipers piping did my true love give to me?
7.where did the tradition of christmas tree start?
merry christmas!

Erik said...

I think question 2 should be Ralph and not Robert....according to google that is.

Julia Spencer said...

1. Coke
3. Cindy Lou
4.yellow, green, orange
7.martin Luther in Germany???
Loved today's wod!!! So much fun! Thanks and I'll be back tues. see you then!

SharonLS said...

Love Love Love this WOD!!!

Erik said...

Didn't make it in this morning so just did tabata air squats, sit ups and push ups with a total score of 250.

Erik said...

Oh yea.... GO JETS!!!

Lauren P. said...

Sharon I was fun and you know I don't say that very often:)

Bussom36 said...

Jets are horrible! however, we shouldnt have to rely on Jets!
welcome back Reid! not a fan!
great work this AM Apex!
1. coca cola lights
3. cindy lou
4. green, red, black
5.mistle toe
6. 11

Missy said...

Merry Christmas Apex Family!! I ran 5 miles today for time (of course) in my NEW Reebok Flexxee Sneakers. They failed me!! I wanted sub 40 mins. Oh well- next time i will have to try running in the dark towards the light with my 45lb. weight vest and the rabid dog on my @SS. Or maybe just someone screaming in my ear would do:)

Josh Wagner said...

Good for to Missy. Merry Christmas and good for you on Christmas running a miler!