Saturday, January 21, 2012

1-21-12 "Crushanator"

Apex Best Leaderboard WOD
Last completed 6/11/11

5 rounds

3 *hspu
5 *turkish getups 35/26 (bell can not touch the floor)
7 *pwr cln n jrks- 85/135 (bar may not be rested on the floor)
10 gi janes
14 game style push ups
21 *box jumps 20"
42 *sledge hammers (sledge hammer must stay in your hands until all hammers are completed)

Following the 5 rds complete 100 m run- 100 m sled pull 90#

35min Time Cap

*All moves with an * must be strung, if broken complete 3 burpees then continue where you left off!


Erik said...

Couldn't make so I did 100 pushups for time.....6:37. Last year when I was new to this it took about 15 minutes to do 100 pushups. Yea me!

Lenny Welch said...

one of my favorite workouts!