Monday, January 30, 2012

1-31-12 "Bugs Bunny"

3 rounds for time of:
100m broad jump to stop sign
4 Bear Crawls
10 GI Janes
20 Box jumps 24/20



Bussom36 said...

I test ran this back in Nov, 12:06
Good Luck!
53 and sunny tomorrow.....great weather to bounce around!

Shanna said...

This WOD is EXHAUSTING. It is an under 20 minute WOD but I feel like I ran for hours! Good stuff!!

Dave "BDD" said...

Please save "roadrunner" for Thursday!

Dan J said...

That games prep wod was one of the most mentally frustrating wod's i have done in a while haha. Great work to everyone tonight, bugs bunny didnt seem any easier either!

Also thanks again Kacie for the adidas lifting shoes deal! Like Zim said - I'm a real crossfitter now haha

Jessica said...

Yes! Thank you, Kacie, for my new magic shoes!!!

Kacie said...

No problem guys!! Magic shoes are always a help, except when attempting an l-sit you'd like to last longer than 4 seconds!. Nice work games prep class! I have a blast watching.