Tuesday, January 31, 2012

2-1-12 "Fraggle Rock"

For time:
Reps of 10-1:
Stones Floor to Shoulder(Heavy)
200 m sprint

Ex. 10 stones, 200m run, 9 stones, 200m run, etc.


Dave "BDD" said...

Oh, Thank God!

Bussom36 said...

Its official, the 2012 CF Open is now open for registration. I would encourage everyone to sign up! More details to follow on the wods and when they will be performed.
I could not find anything about affiliates or joining an affiliate. If anyone stumbles upon anything to do with affiliates, please let me know!

love the Profile!

Dan J said...

Bus - do our old profiles work from last year or do we need to make a new profile with the "crossfit ID"?

Awesome post Dave haha I too was a crossfit affiliate stalker when I was in school!

Bussom36 said...

Make a new profile, it's a whole new system and a new year!
Solid work last night, no ducking, dipping, diving or dodging on your part!

Teresa said...

Word to the wise for tonight's wod - layers. Last time we did heavy stones, I got a nasty brush burn on my chest. I was so intent on getting it up, I didn't even realize it was rubbing my skin raw. Not pretty.

Dave "BDD" said...

@ Teresa - so many "out of context" statements in your post that can be commented on. I will refrain, except for "that's what she said!".


Dave "BDD" said...

@ Dan & Bus. Thanks!

It's an evolution.

Starts off as an affiliate stalker.

Then once you join in, you start "WODboarding" - incencently checking the website for tomorrows WOD.

Then once you sign up for the Open, you start "Leaderboarding" - incencently checking the Open Leaderboard to watch yourself fall down in the standing.

Dan J said...

hahahaha so true! story of my life last year and soon to be in a few weeks

good call teresa! definitely wear long sleeves too, i still have marks on my forearms from the last stones wod haha

Teresa said...

@ BDD - i just reread my post and now I am blushing!! Of course you had to go there!! LOL

Not to be misconstrued - wear layers, stones are heavy and brush burns hurt.

Julia said...

Morning class attacked the stones. Along with what Teresa suggested, warm up your hips and be ready to use them!

BDD I love your profile and appreciate how you gauge your progress based on WODs and nutrition.

Bussom36 said...

Are Fit? Do you need Men's Health to tell you if you are? If so, check this site out...and take the HOW FIT ARE YOU?

Dan J said...

No air squats or burpees on that list what the hell??