Wednesday, February 1, 2012

2-2-12 "GI Joe"

5 rounds for time
25 Sledge hammer swings
20 Pullups
15 Medicine ball cleans 20/14
10 Lay down get up pistols
5  DL 315/225 (heavy)


SharonLS said...

WOO HOO!!!!!!

Bussom36 said...

Knowing is Half the Battle!
Go Joe!

Did anyone else find themselves picking stone particles out of their ear last night?
Great work by all who braved Fraggle Rock!
Good luck with the Greatest American Hero, besides Vic..that is!

Crossfitanchorage said...

Bus is that a call out?????

Bussom36 said...

Not at all, just saying you are the Greatest American Hero that I know!
My comment should have read, "Good Luck with the Greatest American Hero WOD, beside the Vic Wod, that is. Not enough sleep last night and I was only halfway through my coffee.
I hope all is well, it's been too long.

Attention: If you haven't signed up for the Open or you are on the fence: Do It, Do It NOW! Or act like Nike and Just Do it!

After you complete your Registration, Please join the Crossfit Apex Team! Good Luck and let me know if you have any questions.

Crossfitanchorage said...

Bus you are the man! I can't make it in tonight, but I will do this WOD at my box today and post my time to Apex comments. It looks tough! I wish I had the time to get in for this one. You guys are doing great things at Apex. Best of luck to everyone signing up for the open.


Kacie said...

Hey Apexers! Would anyone attending the 5 or 6 class tonight be willing to give me a ride home? We live about 15 mins away in Quakertown, right up 309. I don't want anyone to go out of their way at all, but if anyone is willing, let me know! Thnx!

ThunderRuss said...

Check out Demarcus Ware's Sweatshirt during Sportscenter!

Bussom36 said...

That's fantastic! CF taking over the world

Crossfitanchorage said...

OK, this is not a fun workout to do by yourself... : )


scaled DL to 275lbs
everything else as prescribed.

You guys have fun with this one!

ThunderRuss said...

Kacie.....I will be at the 6:00 class tonight. I have you covered if you still need a ride.

Kacie said...

Thanks Russ! I think I got it covered, but I really appreciate it. Glad to hear you're making it in for this fun one tonight!