Monday, March 12, 2012

3-13-12 "Video Q"

For Time:
10 - 1
155# Power Clean
C2B pull ups

KBS 53/35


Bussom36 said...

Keithy wants redemption on this WOD, I was 18:33 in May '09....I had rips up and down my hands!

Dave "BDD" said...

what date Bus, I couldn't find it.


Dave "BDD" said...


Bussom36 said...

This WOD along with 2 others were video Quilfier for the 2009 Games. Mike F and I did them the weekend of May 30th at JW's house. We did not post it as an Apex WOD.

Dave "BDD" said...

Thanks Bus. Hoping to give this one a try at home tonight.

Dave "BDD" said...

1000 meter row (3:50) for warmup.


155# power Cleans
pullups (no head room for C2B)
53# KBS
