Wednesday, March 21, 2012

3-22-12 "Throwback Tabata"

Tabata 8 rounds of each:
Rower - calories
Kb floor to OH (35/26)
Ring dips
Toe to Bar

click to compare repeat 11/14/09



Bussom36 said...

We must be stuck in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania! I almost dropped my phone when I saw 12.5 was a repeat of last year? Especially after doing 150 WB’s twice last week.
How does one approach a Fran Ladder?
Last night, I wasn't very motivated, unlike the Wagner’s, I am not a Vampire and don’t "like to dance with the devil by the pale moon light"(Jack Napier, aka The Joker).
With all excuses aside, I hit 104 reps last night; I was 4 short of finishing 18 Thrusters.
How does one approach 12.5? Slow and steady, I tried to go unbroken through 12's and was successful through Thrusters. However, after watching Mr. Maddox, he dropped in 12's on and up but looked smooth and steady all the way through 20 thrusters. On my next attempt I am going to attack it like Mr. Maddox and break in 12's on up.
Good Luck to all who brave 12.5, I see the light!
Saturday will be my 4th go around. I did it twice last year and hit 106 both times.....Shooting for as many Pull-ups in 18's as possible!

Dan J said...

haha you got to love the weekly Bussom Breakdown! Thank you for that!

Tanya said...

Great analysis coach Bussom. Great first attempt, especially since you are usually in dreamland when you were doing this! You'll be ready Saturday, fully rested and fueled!

I would have to say looking at this wod, it comes down to YOUR overall speed and as we like to say your ability to "stay on it". If you can bang out 6 fast thrusters drop and pick it right back up for another 6 fast thruster, as Mr. Maddox did, you are good to go. However, for those athletes out there that like a good old hunch over session, shoot a quick text and take quick sip of mycoconut water rest when they drop the weight, consider holding the bar :) All jokes aside, I read something great last night from Dave Plumey of Shoreline CF, he said "once this one gets bad and starts to hurt, you have 2 minutes left". I interpret that as "suck it up buttercup" Another thing to consider, will you break up pullups? Buss is a pull up machine and my bet is he stayed on the bar all the way through, as for this gal, not so much my style, so for me, I'm thinking I have to straight set my thrusters because I know I'll need to break my pull ups. I'll see how that goes for me...think about your strengths and weaknesses in this one, bang out what you can, quick breath and then bang out the next set. Think where you may need to break and where you could make up more time...It's not that terribly many reps at a time...Even at 21's it could be an 11/10 split, not all that terribly high reps (of course I'm saying that while i'm sipping my coffee relaxed behind my mac :) but we've all done worse and had to get through alot more reps at a time...stay strong stay positive and remember one thing, it's the last wod of the 2012 open, hit it hard and go home happy! One thing I love about this is that for everyone who did it last year, you WILL improve, you will! You already have a number and you will get more, visualize this beast the night before and come in ready to be aggressive!
Yeah go team! :)

(sorry for the novel, not sure what's in my coffee :)

Teresa said...

Thank you for the analysis, Bus and Tanya. Bus, you are an animal for taking this one on not two, not three but FOUR FRIGGIN times. No way, no how for this gal.

Tanya, I read your paragraph at the rate of speed you would speak it and now I seriously need to go for a lap around the building because now I am so excited to do this wod, your enthusiasm is contagious!

After much digging, I found my score from last year. 73 reps. I know I can beat that, just no coconut water breaks for me!!

Tanya said...

Yeah girl! That's it Teresa!!!! I love it!

Dan J said...

I'm going to need a beer after 12.5 on saturday haha

Erik said...

59 last year which included six water breaks, walking around the bar 9 times and talking to Kutty.

Julia Spencer said...

Isn't texting during the WOD part of the training? LOL! :)

Michael said...

Speaking of the pic that is posted,.. isn't it funny how kids naturally squat like that? At what point do we 'unlearn' that and start bending over with horrible back position in order to pick things up?

SharonLS said...

Is it me or do we have to start checking Angie's math?

I can't wait to do this wod...ease into the high numbers...

Teresa-lol on "I read this as fast as you talk Tanya!!!!"

SharonLS said...

It was me. I couldn't read the numbers in the picture,