Saturday, March 31, 2012

3-31-12 "March's End"

For time:
200m sled drag (135/70)
30 strict press 95/65
30 mbc 20lbs
30 knees to elbows
30 box jump overs 24"/20"
30 power snatch 95/65
50 hurdle lateral jump overs
100 air squats
JR.Class have been working hard on their Pull-Ups!
Ava rising above the bar!


Dan J said...

Great work today everyone! Those sled pulls were BRUTAL!

Congrats Mike on the athlete spotlight! Extremely funny story haha. If you tell any normal person that they would not understand why you went back for more. Also, bravo on the PE, that was one thing I could not get myself to do. 8 HOURS!? Twice!? Crazy. Great work!

Bussom36 said...

despite the did the half marathon go?

Josh Wagner said...

Check out this video. Awesome Tricks. We will be learning this in your next workouts!

Bussom36 said...

After watching JW's awesome tricks.
I stumbled upon a real life Jackie Chan