Saturday, October 17, 2015

10/17/15- Harvest Rumble

This Sunday's schedule

Yoga- 12:00-1:00pm

Post team and place to comments

Wod1 - Lasso of Truth
For Time

100 single jump rope
50 partner DL (mm-225/mf-185/ff-155)
100 singles
50 Box Jump Overs @ 20"
100 singles

*no more then 50 singles per attempt.
*If you mess up on jump rope, you must switch partners.

WOD #2- Spaceballs
WOD 2 - AMRAP: 6 min

10 WB's (m - 20 to 10'/f - 14 to 9'/jrs - 10 to 9')
200' shuttle run (WB wall to rig x 4)

*alternating partners
*each complete 50' run will = 1 rep

WOD #3- Partners for Life
 For Time

1000m Row
75 medball sit ups against wall (20/14/10).
50 KBS (53/35/26)
25 Partner Burpees

*Work split as needed except partner burpees at the end.

WOD 4 - Max weight

7 minutes to establish 1 RM thruster for each team member.

*Once an athlete has determined they have reached their max, they may perform max reps of burpees to add additional lbs to their total.  1 burpee = 1 pound.  Once someone begins burpees, they may not return to the barbell.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"The Dog and Butterfly "
Mike & Rachel K. finished 21st
Total age=60