Wednesday, November 11, 2015

11/12/- Strong

Yoga this Sunday @ noon
Super Troopers 
Chris & Andrew

For Time: 4 sets of 15 unbroken front squats Note: Weight must come from the floor Score will be time to complete 4 unbroken sets, and total weight used. Must complete 4 sets of 15 unbroken reps

Post weights to comments


Unknown said...

Hey! I think I might have lost a neckless last night at the 5:00 class. It is a wish bone with two pearls on the end. If anyone finds it please let me know!! Thanks! Tiffany

Missy said...

Tiffany Messner - Frank noticed your necklace on top of the cubbies and remembered seeing your post. So, I put it in the office with your name attached. --Missy

Frank Heffelfinger said...

Tiffany your necklace was found. It is in the office with a post it note on it.

Kevin Mooney said...

Stunk up the joint on this one

95# for 3, then 105# on the last one. Failed with 2 or 3 to go

Unknown said...

Thank you guys!!