Tuesday, November 17, 2015

11/18/15- Junkyard

Christmas Bizarre right around the corner Saturday 28th. Over 20 tables set to sell... Please share this date and time with family and friends. It will be a fun filled day of shopping for Xmas gifts.
Unite for Her

For time: 20 burpees then run 200m with vest 45/20 20 1 arm alt snatches then run with db (your choice) 20 wall balls then run with med ball 20/14 20 KBS then run with kettlebell 53/35 20 sq. cleans 95/65 then run withyour empty bar (take plates off) 20 OH plate lunges then run with your plate 45/35 OH ONLY


Unknown said...

'Bazaar' ;)

Todd said...

18:30 - Rx, 45# DB

Unknown said...

16:51. Ladies Rx. 25#DB

Kevin Mooney said...

22:41 I think?

20# vest - 25#DB - 14#WB - 35#KB - 60# bar - 35# plate

Frank Heffelfinger said...

35# DB the rest was ladies RX