Sunday, July 20, 2008

7-20-08 "Chelsea"

1 Round each minute on the minute for 30 minutes

5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 air squats


Josh Wagner said...

Filthy Fifty is was from

Wrist felt OK!
This was very tough. Complete opposite of a Fran WOD however the mental game still comes into play. The intensity stays at a slower constant. Muscle fatigue sets in about half way and you really need to manage your rest time. The mental aspect is pushing yourself to keep moving. At times you feel like a turtle however it might be all you have left. Tanya and I completed it together. 10 exercises, 50 reps of each for a total of 500 reps. Soon to come for the group.


Tanya said...

That was exhausting! I wouldn't recommend doing this one after taking a week off. Wall ball shots and burbees got me the worst. I'll tell you it hurt worst during the breaks...if it weren't for muscle fatigue it would have felt better to plow through all 50 of each. Good luck with this one!

Josh Wagner said...

Tanya's time was
