Wednesday, September 17, 2008

9-17-08 "Linda"

Reps of 10,9,8,7....1 for time:

Deadlift 1.5 x BW
Bench Press 1 x BW
Squat Clean .75 x BW

Post weights used and time to comments.


julia said...

I love Linda. The feeling of coasting from 4 rounds on is a little bit of a high.

I could use some back stretching advice however, as I was already tight going into things today.

Josh Wagner said...

Great job this morning all 4 of you! Julia and Mike took on Linda and both finished under 30 min. Heck of an accomplishment. Zeigler and Molly both completed 15-1 Ring Dips 1-15 Front Sq alternating exercises and I was very impressed with their Front Squat form. Right On! Stretch and drink lots of water. Good back stretch is to sit cross legged and lean forward reaching as far out as you can in front of you. See if that helps.

Unknown said...

Unlike Julia....I dont perticularly like Linda. To this point, it has been my most feared workout, and that has not changed.

Last time I faced linda, I wasnt doing Rx'd squat cleans. I was using dumbels that ended up being 25's by the time I was done. Today I finished everything including the squat cleans (my arch nemisis movement) rx'd in a record time for me by 15 min.

Its great to see the improvement....but I still dont want to do this WOD again for a long long time!

Pa KnitWit said...

hello my name is Khara, and i too do NOT like LINDA (AT ALLLLLL!!!!) yeah, last time i did her i used dumbbells that were like -5 lbs when i was done. I think Josh put helium in them for me :-)
today i did:
5 rnds for time:
90 single jumps
20 kettle bell (50 lbs)
10 man makers (used two 25lb dumbbells)
time was 15:31- in July i was 17:51 on this work out using 20lb kettle bells and 2 10lbs dumbbells for man makers. good jump in time :=-)

Tanya said...

Great work you guys. I know what you mean Julia, alot of stretching especially your neck and hip flexors as well as your back. Laying on your stomach push your hands up so your arms are locked out and look up at the ceiling.

Anita and Melissa took on Linda (they had been trying to do this wod now for 3 weeks) They did AWESOME! 26:08 for Melissa and 26:56 for Anita. They both used 75 for sq clean and then Melissa- 75 bench, 155 dead, and Anita 65 bench(75 for the first 10) and 185 for dead. They looked GREAT and sucked it up big time to push through. Great to train together again, you guys are staying strong!

And then it was my turn...thanks to Anita for hanging out while I gave Linda ago for the second time....uh. I guess I kinda blocked out how grueling she really is. I was hoping to knock some significant time off my ugly 47:12 time from back in April (especially after seeing Gillian's 15 min Linda video which was insane). I managed to take off about 7 minutes but I'm not going to lie, there a time during round 8 and 7 when I thought to myself can I even get through this? Ok I don't care about the time just try to survive this sucker just don't quit (I know some of you know what I'm talking about here).

I still can't say Rx for this one yet...those damn bench presses are killing me. I was rx on dead at 225# and sq clean at 105 but I could only manage 105# for bench (115# for 10 and then 105# for the other 9 rounds.) Maybe next time...

for now 40:04