Wednesday, November 19, 2008

11-20-08 "Settlement"

5 rounds for time:

5 Deadlifts (315/215)
12 KTE

Burpee Challenge


Pa KnitWit said...

having been out of Crossfit since the 11th (yikes!) i have some burpee make ups to do- 297 to be exact!!! so today i will spend doing all 297 burpees to get back in to the challenge- i'll let that be my wod today too. no sense getting crazy!

Pa KnitWit said...

297 burpees done. that's insane- i now have a headach and very tired Traps.

Tanya said...

Thatta girl!!!

Josh Wagner said...

Felice phenomenal job on the 5 something Settlement. That is hard to do.

Tonight we had Paul, Karen and a new gentlemen named Bill. Bill started off with 315 on the DL doing them fairly easily. That did not last to long. We soon dropped him down to 225. First time Crossfitting so understandable. He realized how tough it was to work with intensity. By the way Karen did 105 and looked GREAT, Paul also did 235 and looked strong as well. See ya'll Saturday.!!