Wednesday, December 10, 2008

12-11-08 "6 of clubs"

4 rounds for time:

400 m run
rest 3 min between rounds

*time individual 400 m runs

Advanced 1:19, Elite 1:04

Burpee Challenge #58


Bussom36 said...

Josh I was there until 3:20, where you be?

Unknown said...

Hmmmm....since I missed Tues wod, maybe ill go over to the middle school and check out that new track you guys keep talking about after I get out of work at 3pm.

The alternative is always to just go home and do grace...

Bussom36 said...

You can save Grace for Saturday with Tanya and I?
I am guessing the swelling in your pipes/guns have gone down?

Unknown said...

Lol....I want no piece of you and Tanya in that Wod! Hell, you one arm Grace faster than I two arm it!

Since its raining, Ill probably take on Grace in the garage this afternoon. Ill post back with a time. Im expecting to pr and improve alot since we last did it, but im not expecting it to be close to you guys!

Unknown said...

So I just finished Grace. My old pr was 5:05. Managed 3:23 today. Although the bar kept rolling away from me. So I was close, but no cigar for today. Maybe next time.

Going to go practice HS and MU


Josh Wagner said...

Because of the rain Tanya and I did 4x500m rows with about 3 min break between. Holy Quads after Front Squats the day before.


I pushed to stay under 1:40 and I was successful barely on that last round.