5 Deadlifts
5 Hang Cleans
5 Thrusters
(can be done with dumbbells or barbell)
Complete these 3 exercises as fast as you can in a minute. Time left over within the minute is rest time. Complete this order of exercises every minute on the minute for 20 minutes.
If you fail to finish the 3 exercises within a minute, from that point forward you will continue to complete as many rounds as you can in the remaining time to 20min.

Burpee Challenge #67
1 comment:
did 12/19's workout with the burpees and substituted biking for the row...
thanks for throwing that one in there with the burpees...I am still at it but continue to have best energy when stringing only 10 together at a time...trying to work up to more sustainable strings of 15.
i can tell you that my leap frogging ability with my kids has improved in bounds...i feel like i'm on the moon.
molly are you still at this? i hope so! j
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