Sunday, December 21, 2008

12-22-08 "Angie"

For time:

100 pull ups
100 push ups
100 sit ups
100 air squats

*must complete in this order, can not move to the next exercise until 100 reps have been completed.


1. Josh Wagner 14:59 12/?/08
2. Mike Carr (Scrappy) 17:01
3. Keith Bussom 17:48



Unknown said...

I was happy to see Angie come up again. It was one ofr the first named workouts I ever did...and then we had not seen her since.

I knew I could improve upon my old time of 17:00 min. I mean, tabata something else is 16:00 with 10 second rests all over the place and I could manage to easily outrep the Angie workout. So, my goal was sub 15 for obvious reasons.

13:05 rx


Felice said...

You killed it this am Mike. That is gonna be tough to beat.

I updated as many of the Apex Bests as I could. I don't have Jodie's Helen time that she did rx'd. That one needs an update. Busted hands and all she did a nice job today with her first Angie rx'd.

Josh Wagner said...

Nice work Scrappy I had no doubts that you could take on a workout tailored to your strengths!!

See you Wed.

julia said...

my arms still feel like they are floating from this workout tonight! I feel kind of like Randy from A Christmas Story, "I can't put my arms down!"

Anyway, looking forward to seeing everyone on WEdnesday at 6:30!

Molly, are you still doing burpees? We miss you.