Sunday, January 4, 2009

1-5-09 "Sandy"

21-15-9 for time of:

Sumo Deadlift High Pull
Overhead Squat

Crossfitters choice of weight. Same bar for both exercises.

Burpee Challenge #83


Angie said...

Happy to have my Crossfit workout buddy back! Missy took Dec off, but started today back at it. We took on Sandy this morning.

Missy- 45# SDLHP/OHS- 7:49

Angie- 65# SDLHP/Front Squats*-5:16
*modified the squat- OHS are my nemesis :-)

Unknown said...

The past 2 weeks I have felt like I was run over by a big rig. Today was no different. My performance suffered huge from my inability to get enough rest and recoup myself above 60 percent. Im thinking I may need to take a few days and just recover.....who knows.

Today should have been 2 something (based on 21-15-9 ohs/burpee from a month and a half ago)....instead I was 5 something. simply pathetic!


Tanya said...

Oh boohoo! Is this really the way we are going to start the week Mr. Scrappy? And is this the same fella who last week pr'd the shit out of Filthy Fifty then went on to pr your deadlift and annie oh and then cindy and also put up very respectable times in Badger and DL/Burpee??? All in the same week??? Yeah so news flash...YOU ARE HUMAN! If you put up last weeks numbers while feeling lousy all I have to say is shut your trap!!! Usually Tuesday is your whinny day so I'm sorry to report this but you used it up today, you must put on a happy face for tomorrow or there will be no more rock band for you. Maybe that's it! Are you just not cut out for this life on the road and gigs every night? We'll have to talk as a band about it, what a damn gotta great voice kid!

Molly said...

Now that Tanya has swung at the hive with a big stick, is Keith getting hazard pay for working tomorrow morning?

Unknown said...

LOL....that was some funny stuff from both Tanya and Molly! Now tomm I will be on my best behavior and promise not to cry once! I just dont want to get kicked from the band =0)

I hear you on last weeks production, but it was completed not with my all since i wasnt close to 100 percent, and that makes me feel like I cheated myself and you guys. Ill suck it up and hope my body adjust to the new schedule, you will just have to put up with me biotching in the mean time.

Now back to your regularly scheduled program

Josh Wagner said...

I love all of the commotion! Scrappy I would never kick you out of my band with that beautiful voice of yours. I love when you hit your soprano notes on that Weezer song "Say it ain't so"

By the way we worked with Karen, Julia and Paul tonight on the OHS prior to "Sandy". Each one of them looked much more comfortable into their reps of 15 and 9 with the OHS. Keep practicing at home with your broomstick!

Tanya and I came home after a long day and attempted Sandy against one another. Felt great through reps of 21. Straight setted the SDLHP and OHS. After that the back tightened a ton on SDLHP.

Finished 5:15 with 95lbs can't imagine with more weight than that. Good push Tanya.....5:07 #65

Tanya said...

Thatta boy...I understand what you're saying, just giving you a hard time of course. So you rest up and focus on what you need that I mean Metallica's Enter Sandman...our gigs are worldwide now. It's the big time for us!

Oh and Angie, happy you aren't alone anymore...keep up the great work. And to Missy, I know you're out there some where, glad you're back hitting the wods!!!! 6 months til the summer schedule :)