The double unders took a long time for me, but I strugled through 4 rounds of double unders. They beat me up, my arms and hands are all bruised looks like I was in a fight
Keith, I did 180 DUs yesterday. I'm on day 4 and it is the second WOD of the day. (I know nothing compared to what J&T did at the games). So i cherry picked my workout. 40 OHS 85# Time 7-8 minutes. I did 4 sets of 10. The breaks were long, I needed feeling to return to my hands before I could grab the bar again. But just for you... I did practice DUs - didn't count, didn't time...just worked on them.
What's a ring row?
I'm guessing Overhead Squats
I don't think so since the first movement is an overhead squat...
oh wait snap, for some reason i thought that you said OHS cause I was curious what it was and just looked it up and had it on my head. sorry. haah
I had my favorite today
3 Rds
25OHS 65#
400m run 11:27 I'll have to try the 85# OHS when I get back (I will skip the DUs)
Ring Rows- lay on your back with rings in your hands and your ankles dug into the ground. Then pull your chest to your hands.
Great Work AM Crew! Your legs are going to pay the price but I was surprised on how much my arms were feeling it.
Molly, No skipping DU's! Keep your hands at your hips and quick wrist! DO WORK!
The double unders took a long time for me, but I strugled through 4 rounds of double unders. They beat me up, my arms and hands are all bruised looks like I was in a fight
Keith, I did 180 DUs yesterday. I'm on day 4 and it is the second WOD of the day. (I know nothing compared to what J&T did at the games). So i cherry picked my workout. 40 OHS 85# Time 7-8 minutes. I did 4 sets of 10. The breaks were long, I needed feeling to return to my hands before I could grab the bar again. But just for you... I did practice DUs - didn't count, didn't time...just worked on them.
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