Wednesday, September 30, 2009

10-1-09 "County fair"

4 minutes of work at each couplet completing AMRAP

1 minute rest between rotations

5 Push press (95/65) - 5 Sit ups

5 Wall ball - 5 Box jumps

5 Squat Cleans (95/65) - 5 Double unders

5 KB Snatches - 5 Burpees

* Score is total number of rounds from all 4 couplets. Post total to comments.

Intro Class


Bussom36 said...
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Bussom36 said...

Break out the popcorn, Carmel apples and cotton-candy! The fair is in town.
Great Job AM Crew!
Molly brought her quick and high elbows for the Sq.Cleans!
Jodie powered through the Push Press! and Rich burpeed like no other! Way to set the bar this morning

Tanya said...

That's what I like to hear...a little fun at the fair bright and early :) Good job guys!

Cappi said...

Dave did murph in 42:36. i think i'm going to do today's wod way later tonightt

Josh Wagner said...

Dude absolutely awesome WOD with a large group. Man my throat is killing me and I am so happy I have a days rest of yelling at you peeps.

Sorry for the extended set-up time however I was looking out for all 11 of you and your excellent performances.

No picture tonight I forgot the camera! Tomorrow I will post the scores. See ya'll Saturday.

Molly said...

Another good week of workouts.

FGB4 update. Total APEX fundraising $5295. That is 42 out of 425 participating affiliates. There were some additional online donations over the weekend. And they applied all the checks today.

Josh Wagner said...

great job everyone! thanks molly for the update.

JustinMakaila said...

16. RX'd. yesssssss