Friday, September 11, 2009

9-11-09 Rest Day


Zach Miller said...

Well needed rest day for everyone enjoy it!!!!!!!! Another great week of training

Josh Wagner said...

Trainers WOD after school today:

15min AMRAP of:
3 power cleans 225/155
5 pull ups
10 ring push ups
15 air squats

Josh 9rds 3/5/6/-
Mike 9 rds
Keith 9 rds
Tanya 9 rds

The cleans took alot of concentration to lift such a heavy load!! See ya'll in the morning. Hope the rain finally stops.

Cappi said...

intense day of workouts at the Cappi home gym today.

Made up a couplet with some weaknesses of mine.

10-1 squat cleans 95#
20-2 push ups
Time- 12:28

Dave did the main page WOD Barbara and killed it! Actually beat my Barbara time by almost 3 mins!

5 rounds of:
20 pull ups
30 push ups
40 sit ups
50 air squats
*3 min rest between rounds.
Time: 37:13

He got sub 5 on the last 2 rounds, i better start training harder!

shecht said...

The Hecht Box was rocking Fran today, big mistake after the last few days of intense shoulders...

95lb Thrusters
Pull Ups (GB)