Monday, September 14, 2009

9-15-09 "TSE"

20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest
8 consecutive rounds of each exercise:

Pull ups
Push ups
Sit ups
Air squats

Total all reps of each of the 4 exercises for your overall score!


Bussom36 said...

Great work this morning ladies! TSE hits every part of the body!

Miller's I hope Wyatt is feeling better!

Dave "BDD" said...

I have done such a good job avoiding this one so far!!

Eida said...

Did a 3-4 mile walk after lunch. Went to the gym tonight.

10 days of summer (part du):
2 air squats
3 cleans (30 kilos)
4 front squats
5 thrusters
6 deadlifts (40kilos-heaviest they had)
7 situps
8 burpees
9 pushups
10 tuck jumps

Total panic when I got to the gym and saw row after row of machines. This was the best I could do once I found the weights. Got lots "annoyed looks" but didn't get kicked out. Tomorrow's another day.

JustinMakaila said...

i'm bummed i missed this. fell asleep. but either way, i'm sure this was a good one for the 6 oclock class

Cappi said...

TabataSomethingElse at the cappi home gym. This is my first time doing this and my brother's 2nd. What a fun one!

Pull ups-86
Push ups-82
Sit ups-108

Dave-383(PR'd by 23 reps and did jumping pull ups before!)
Pull ups-47
Push ups-71
Sit ups-128

Josh Wagner said...

Great score Cappi. Just did it myself not even close to my PR of 447. Push ups and sit ups crushed me! I need some work on those freakin body weight exercises.

405 tonight. I broke 400 thats the most important thing. Good job night classes!! Pleasure to watch.

Angie said...

LOVE the sign on the sidewalk!!