Sunday, September 27, 2009


For time:

1 mile run then 50 push ups
800m run then 50 sit ups
400m run then 50 kbs (53/35)
200m run then 50 thrusters 45lb bar


Dave "BDD" said...

Wow! What a way to bring runs back into the programming!

Going for sub 50 min. on this one!

Michael said...

lol at Dave. I haven't run a mile since high school.

Cappi said...

2 a day today

YMCA stuff:
3x5 back squat 150#
3x5 bench press 125#
1x12 bench press 95#
2x8 pull ups
2x20 GHD situp

30 mins later:
Daily WOD as rx'd- 27:00

i hope those training day supplements work!

Paul K said...

Cappi, out of curiousity, what supplements are you taking?

Also, I saw your thruster weight at one WOD was 115...thats pretty sick man. Nice job.

Josh Wagner said...

DId the iron man WOD from the main page last week. Keith and I did this one together.

reps of 2,3,4 pwr cln & jerk 225#, squat clean 225# and muscle ups

reps of 10,8,6,4,2 of c2b pull ups and 36" box jumps

Jarrett said...

thanks for helping me out on this one guys, i didn't think i would finish.

this is the hardest wod to do sick, holy crap.

Cappi said...

it's called training day.
my bro won it on saturday it was one of the raffle prizes.

Dave "BDD" said...

1 mile run (11:20) [11:20]
50 push ups (4:55) [16:15]
800m run (6:17) [22:32]
50 sit ups (4:11) [26:43]
400m run (3:22) [30:05]
50 kbs (53#) (5:06) [35:11]
200m run (2:19) [37:30]
50 thrusters 45lb bar (7:01) [44:31]

200 m was more of a drunken stagger, as you can see by the time.

Not so funny now, hey Mike!!!

BDD out!

shecht said...

Did this WOD at home with Shawn and Daniellle...
Shawn: 23:27 RX'd
Danielle: 25:09 15lb KB/35 Thruster
Steven: 39:19 RX'd