Monday, September 28, 2009

9-29-09 "Jacked up Ascent"


185/125 dirty FRONT squats (that means clean em up!)
24" box jumps


Dave "BDD" said...

I sure hope I get out of center city in time to do this one at the box tomorrow!

Cappi said...

so we have to clean the bar before each front squat rep, right?

and if i were to squat clean it, would i have to lock my hips out and then front squat it?

Dave "BDD" said...

I think they are just saying that we don't get to use a squat rack between set/reps. If you put it down, you have to clean it up, right?????

Unknown said...

so I looked at the fight gone bad numbers and you guys are monsters! I got a 336 and I thought that was good, gsheesh!
Still gotta listen to the radio episodes w/ ppl from your box on them, maybe the answers are there...but I was wonderin, Mike(s), Scrappy, Tanya, and Josh, do you guys do much heavy lifting in addition to you workouts? I notice you guys don't do too much in your programming. Just curious. I really have been lifting heavy weights lately, with the unlikely goal of catching up to some games competitor numbers.
I remember from the Keystone Challenge that your emphasis on metcons w/ box jumps really showed, as you all flew through them. Anyway, i'll see you guys sometime soon I'm sure.


Matt Smith (the red-haired dude)
Crossfit Renaissance

Josh Wagner said...

clean it up if you drop it thats correct Dave. full depth at bottom hips open at the top

Cappi said...

when do we ever get to use squat racks though? hah

Bussom36 said...

Heavy weights = mental toughness! The ladies fought through their fears and were able to complete this wod!
Not too shabby when you are PR-in on your cleans in a front squat WOD
Great Job Ladies

We do go heavy within the WOD's(Ascent & Heavy Fran last week) and on occasion we have max lifts programmed in.

Angie said...

Back at it today after a week off for vacation. Did yesterday's running WOD. Nothing like a few runs to kick your butt back into gear!

Judging from the video clip, looks like great fun at Saturday's FGB event!! Bummer I couldn't make it.
Great job on raising that much money guys!


Cappi said...

Had the bro do his first workout in over a week today.
He made up 10-1 Fran and made it look like he hasn't taken a break at all!
Time-12:26 45#

Even though today was a rest day for me i decided to go for max rep pull ups. Got to 48, pr'd by 18 but really wanted 50!! maybe another day

chris M said...

did an elizabeth today, 75 LB bar time 16:17

shecht said...

Nik did tonights WOD at school: