Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Reps of 21,18,15,12,9 for time of:

Box jump 20"
Hang power clean (95/65)
Kettlebell swing (53/35)


Cappi said...

got work tonight so did a quick bodyweight wod.

100 push ups
Time 5:14(1:01 PR)

Bussom36 said...
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Bussom36 said...
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Bussom36 said...

Paul, ARE YOU OUT THERE? I did a WOD that's right up your alley.
Bench 225#
Ring Dips
Sit ups

I could only get 225 for 26 reps, then dropped to 185...I didn't want to drop the weight on my throat like the USC runningback


JustinMakaila said...

still debating on this one... hockey game tomorrow, not sure if i wanna not be able to hold my stick... haha

Josh Wagner said...

Real nice on the forearms. Did this one on my own and had Felice's score to shoot for. Thanks buddy. Good work tonight everyone!!

Dave "BDD" said...

Reps of 21,18,15,12,9 for time of:

Box jump 20" (17" chair)
Hang power clean (95#)
Kettlebell swing (53#)


My core is shot from the DL-KTE workout. It was hard getting loose for this one.